Too much Baggage

May 8th, 2006

We all know someone who has too much baggage, but not that kind, the kind they bring along on holiday.

The amount of baggage brought on holiday can affect you in several ways. One being a drag on you and a pain in the neck to carry around.

The other being too much to fit in the car you’ve rented. Think about it, how many compact cars do think have enough space to fit 3 or 4 big bags in them, forget it. So what now?

Well think about it for a minute. If you are going for a quick weekend getaway and are taking just a bit of luggage, then rent yourself a small car, unless you’re rich of course, then you have to rent yourself the flashest automobile on the lot!

If you’re going camping for 2 weeks on the Mediterranean and have to pack a tent, sleeping bags and all the rest of the junk you take along on a camping trip, then think about the size of the car you’ll need carefully and be sure to include all the kit those coming with you will have.

Diving is another one of those holiday things that can take up a lot of space. Fins, mask, wet suit, tanks, weights, mask etc…

Right, so consider about how much stuff you’re taking with you and then decide how big a car you’ll need for it. You’ll save yourself time on arrival and be glad the car you have is suitable for your needs.

Enjoy and don’t forget your driver’s licence!

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