Posts filed under 'General'

Robert Mugabe is an Idiot

Plain and simple.

It’s a crying shame really what’s happening over there in Zimbabwe. A once prosperous nation is on its knees due to the bumbling idiotic paranoid Robert Mugabe. What’s worse is that there are bigger idiots than him, clearly, the ones voting for him. They also need their heads checked. Whether so many people could vote for him is debatable. How could such an idiot garner so many votes? Inflation is in the 100s of thousands, unemployment rife and empty store shelves are everywhere. To me, it’s a clear indication that even though he “lost”, he’s still rigging the vote and doing it so badly that he still lost the election. Now that is a moron!

Now will you Zimbabweans please stand up and rise against this idiot! Clearly, no one else is going to do it. The sooner the better!

1 comment April 4th, 2008

VW Disappoints

We’ve just had a little boy about 4 months ago. Cute little guy with his very own room and everything. We have 2 cars. One is a big fat truck which is great and the other car is a VW Citigolf, the Golf V 1 – yes they still make them here. For some of you, you might remember it as the Rabbit.

Anyway, we’ve always taken the little guy around in his car sear in the truck without any hassles. The truck had to go in for a service a few days ago so I was left with the VW for the day and had to go out quickly with the little guy in toe. Well to my surprise, I found out that the seat belts in the VW are too short to strap his seat in. Now what kind of car company manufactures a low end car, and therefore more affordable for younger people who are more likely to have newborns, that cannot have a baby seat strapped in properly? Really? Are you guys that useless in Development that you hadn’t thought of the length of the belt or were you too busy chopping 2 feet off the strap to boost your profits only to put my son’s life in jeopardy???

Come on VW, you’re German, you can do better than that! What’s happened to your reputation as German engineers???!!!

March 20th, 2008

Along came a spider

Now this is a cool camo spider:

camo spider

March 10th, 2008

Traveling with babies

We just had our son. He’s a real cutie but you can tell he’s gonna be a hand full.

His arrival has raised several questions for us now when traveling. Where do we go? What should we do? What do we take with us? How long can we go for? Will the destination be good for him? Will they even care?

So if you have any tips for traveling with a baby, please add them. I’ll start off with a few below:

1. Take plenty of food if not breastfed.
2. Take enough diapers to cover for a few days.
3. Don’t forget the bottles.
4. Will there be lots of sun, take some good sun-screen with you.
5. Their toys…always useful to distract them for a little while.

Anything else you can think of?

3 comments December 20th, 2007

Company name gone wrong

Something tells me this company wasn’t thinking of expanding in Anglo Saxon countries when they came up with their company name and logo…

November 14th, 2007

Travel Survey Results

We put together a quick little survey on the homepage of Travelcreek where you can tell us what your favourite countries to visit are and what type of accommodation you prefer. I was hoping the results would be a little more forthcoming but so far all we’ve got is our own answers, our parents’ and some friends choices. We don’t collect any personal data so nobody should worry about that and it’s so much fun to see a new addition everytime there is one, at least for me.

So come on, give us some love…

October 14th, 2007

Top 10 Traveling Mistakes

We’ve all made mistakes traveling. Here are a few that could be called “typical” and should be avoided.

  1. Not doing your research on your final destination. Weather, timezone, customs, currency, language, culture and other factors could put you in a spot of bother.
  2. Assuming your final destination will have all the required transport facilities at your disposal upon arrival to get you to your accommodation.
  3. Using hotel communication systems including the phone and fax. If you’ve done this, they’ve no doubt, nailed you!
  4. Consuming the contents of the hotel room mini-bar. Don’t do it! Go to the local store and buy a couple of drinks there, it will save you a bundle.
  5. Not giving yourself enough time between flights. It can take up to an hour to get out of a 747 after landing and then you may still have to get to another terminal or airport for your connecting flight! Give yourself plenty of time to avoid missing your flight.
  6. Booking a day tour without shopping around. You might be getting suckered!
  7. Not paying in local currency. You will be doubly losing. Once with the exchange rate used to convert into your currency and once more back into the local currency to get your change.
  8. Not booking accommodation for your final destination during high season, a conference or festival. You might find yourself sleeping in the street.
  9. Trying to pack in too much activity into a specific period of time.
  10. Forgetting your camera.

Safe travels!

1 comment August 23rd, 2007

Lost in Translation

Hehe, this picture is quite funny…It seems to have been translated by someone with a Afrikaans – English Dictionary. This person probably decided to use the wrong translation to forbid “open flames”. Naked lights, never heard of ’em!

Naked Lights

August 18th, 2007

The Simpsons Go Green

Just saw this movie, yes, I know, a bit behind a lot of you…Well it’s because of where I live! Anyhow, it matters not.

The Simpsons, the movie, just like the TV series does not disappoint. The humour starts right from the word go with Ralph making the very first appearance of all the characters.

The movie is also one to cover one of the most pressing issues of our time, if not of mankind, the environment. It does so just like Al Gore did, in a public friendly, easy to understand, way. I think it’s great that the creators, writers and actors all teamed up on this issue and publicise, with what will inevitably be one of the most popular movies of the next few months, a deadly serious issue like Global Warming and pollution in an idiot friendly way.

I laughed throughout the movie and thought it was great even after so many TV episodes. I missed Uter though, the exchange student, and I will probably either go see it again or rent it when it comes out on DVD. I won’t download it though, Bart got in trouble for that 😉

August 4th, 2007

Try again

I drive by this strange signpost everyday on my way to work. I think someone needs to rethink this one. Kids should never be for sale!

Look Kids for Sale

1 comment June 23rd, 2007

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